Welcome! We are happy that you came by. While the internet makes it easy to connect with people all over the world often we lack a base, source, or headquarters. Yuwise is a mother-ship organization; one that leads, serves, or carries smaller aircraft. In the real earthly sense the mother-ship's role is to nurture and support ideas that could improve our communities. Please explore the website by visiting the various pages either through the menu bar above, links below, or in the footer way down at the bottom. Thanks for checking us out!
Our goal is information, education, knowledge, and entertainment. Whether you are inclined to a station that is music intensive or information packed, you will find it right here! Independent artists. Musicians. Poets. Writers. Young People. The Future. The home for new music and a space for artist development!
Yuwiselink Creative Community is the social platform of Yuwise!
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- Log in daily to participate
- Share with family and friends
Communities Acting Responsibly For Everyone Using People Power (CAREUPP)
The Big 10 Conferences:
The Big 10 Conferences:
- Culture and Identity
- Communication: Social Media, Crisis, Disaster, and Emergency Management
- Ecosystems: Economy and Environment
The Back Pack Drive is an incentive or a catalyst for the community to directly assist one another. The idea is simple. There are thousands of children in need. This program is now part of CAREUPP.
The Community Empowerment Package (CEP) has three (3) marketing plans for business owners and entrepreneurs who are working hard to bring their services and products to the public.
We are excited to create new opportunities for the local entrepreneur to sell his/her products and partner with us.
doing the little things!
competition/contest - blog
in the spotlight - blog
Yuwise radio network resource center - blog
connect with yuwise on social media
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youtubex - twitter |
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